“Rise of the Alt-Copywriter”
Building Thriving Writing Businesses (While Making Traditional Client Work Optional)
Hi there,

President, AWAI
What if everything you thought you needed to succeed as a copywriter… wasn’t the whole story?
What if there was another path — one that complements client work (if you choose to work with clients)… expands your income potential…
… and gives you even more control over your writing career?
Today I’m going to show you exactly what this path looks like, and why it can help you have:
- Predictable income coming in…
- Complete creative freedom…
- Assets you fully own and control…
All by leveraging your writing skills and passions in a unique way that gives you the ability to make traditional client work totally optional.
The crazy part?
Most copywriters don’t realize this path exists.
Because they think the traditional path to growing a writing business is the only one available to them.
As you’re about to see, there’s another way…
One that works with the traditional path — or allows you to bypass client work if you prefer — but offers something even more:
A way to create something lasting with your writing — where every word adds to your own bottom line.
But before I show you this alternative path… a question for you:
Is This the Path You’re On?
The path to success for the majority of copywriters looks like this —
You start by mastering the fundamentals — taking courses, reading books, and practicing your craft.
You work on your copy chops, build your portfolio with samples, and eventually land your first client.
Then your second…
And your third…
Over time, you work your way up to bigger, better-paying projects and perhaps even a few retainer or profit-sharing deals.
It’s a proven approach… one with clear steps to follow and it’s why so many writers choose it — and succeed with it.
There’s nothing wrong with this path.
It works.
Especially right now, when you consider:
- “The Leap” — where 10 years of expected growth in e-commerce happened in just 90 days during 2020, bringing millions of businesses online that need great writers to help with their digital marketing efforts.
- The widespread use of AI, creating a “sea of sameness” where nothing stands out, highlighting the urgent need for authentic, human communication.
- The emergence of the $9 trillion longevity economy, where the 50+ consumer is king and is screaming to be understood and marketed to in the way they want.
All these trends have created an unprecedented demand for skilled copywriters who know how to grab attention, connect with prospects, and move them to action.
So to be crystal clear:
The traditional path still works, and will continue to work.
But as I mentioned earlier… what if there’s another way?
One that builds on everything you’ve learned while giving you even more stability, and control over your career?
There Is Another Way…
One That EVERY Copywriter
Needs to Consider
It’s a path that gives you the choice to work with clients on your terms, or never need them at all.
And it’s a way to create something more lasting, far more predictable, and ultimately, more rewarding.
Now, the good news is…
With this alternative path, you are NOT going to abandon the copywriting skills you’ve worked so hard to master.
Instead, you’re going to leverage them in a NEW way.
One that benefits YOU exponentially more than the traditional “working with clients” route.
And the best part?
You can start this TODAY, even if:
- You aren’t the best copywriter in the world…
- You have ZERO connections in the industry…
- You’re working a full-time job…
- You’ve never had a single paying client…
This new approach strips away all the usual “gatekeepers” that typically stand between you and copywriting success.
What Makes This Different.
This path is so different from the traditional freelance copywriting route…
… that we call copywriters who choose it “alt-copywriters.”
And their ranks are starting to grow.
You won’t find alt-copywriters relying solely on freelance job boards…
You won’t see them sending out cold emails in hopes of landing a client…
And you certainly won’t see them competing for lower-paying projects on popular freelancing sites.
Alt-copywriters never need to “audition” for work or convince anyone of their value.
What’s more…
They don’t trade their hours for dollars in the way most freelance copywriters do. And they certainly don’t let clients dictate their schedule.
Alt-copywriters use their copywriting skills to grow their own business… where every word they write ultimately adds to their own bottom line.
And while traditional copywriters go after bigger clients and better-paying projects…
Alt-copywriters focus on creating systems that help generate revenue whether they're writing that day or not.
And perhaps the biggest difference of them all:
While traditional copywriters think about where their next projects are coming from…
Alt-copywriters wake up every morning knowing exactly how much they're likely to make that month — because they've built a ridiculously simple, predictable, and sustainable business around their writing skills.
In short, alt-copywriters are growing an asset that increases in value over time…
… creates new opportunities every day (instead of waiting for clients to come knocking)…
… and puts them in the driver’s seat.
YOU — An Alt-Copywriter?
If you’re the kind of writer who wants to diversify your writing income beyond client work…
If you’d like to leverage your writing skills in new and exciting ways…
If you’d love to create your own assets you control and that grow in value over time…
Then becoming an alt-copywriter could be the perfect next step for you.
Just imagine…
It’s a Tuesday morning… you grab your coffee or favorite drink, and open your laptop.
You look forward to it, because you’re building something for yourself.
You’ve got an audience who’s looking forward to hearing from you and what you have to say.
So you sit down and write an email about your internal debate from last night — was ordering takeout for the third night in a row being resourceful because you avoided grocery shopping… or just lazy?
You turn it into a quick lesson about prioritizing time.
As you finish editing and press send, you smile… because how cool is it that you get to share a moment, spark a thought, or offer value to the people who've chosen to follow you?
It certainly didn’t feel like work at all!
And yet…
That one email has the potential to generate income for you throughout the next few days! At this point, because you’ve set up the “machine” that is your alt-copywriting business…
Your day is pretty much done.
Time to go about the rest of your life and collect any fun stories or experiences for tomorrow’s email.
Maybe you'll take on that interesting client project you've been eyeing (because now it's truly YOUR choice).
Or perhaps you'll spend some time working on your next digital product — another asset that can generate income for months or even years to come.
Or maybe you'll just close the laptop and head out for a walk, knowing you’ve done your part to keep things humming along.
Because that's the beauty of being an alt-copywriter.
You're no longer writing for a living. Instead, you’re writing to create something lasting.
Something that can grow more valuable with every email you send…
Something that's completely YOURS.
And while this will take effort on your part to get things up at first…
It’s like I said — you don't need to be the world's greatest copywriter to make this work.
You don't need a huge following or tons of industry connections.
All you need is the right framework to follow, and the willingness to share your unique perspective with people who want to hear from you.
And if you’d like to learn exactly how to make this happen… let me introduce you to someone who’s absolutely MASTERED this approach…
Meet the Original “Alt-Copywriter”

His name is Ben Settle.
Chances are you’ve probably heard of him.
And if you haven’t, it’s high time you did!
He’s widely recognized as one of the sharpest and most innovative marketing minds in the business.
For almost 23 years, his unconventional methods have helped generate millions in sales across hyper-competitive markets — including everything from golf to martial arts.
One of the things that sets Ben apart — aside from being one of the “alt-copywriting” pioneers — is the unprecedented respect he’s earned from the industry’s biggest names.
Bob Bly calls Ben’s writing style “stunningly effective.”
Copywriting legend Mark Ford says he’s “one of the most original and captivating writers in our industry.”
Nick Usborne calls Ben “an email poet.”
And the best of the best — master copywriter Gary Bencivenga — once said to Ben, “Good copy intoxicates me. Yours is high proof!”
However, it wasn’t always this way…
Back in the late 90s, Ben Settle was desperate.
He'd tried his hand at multi-level marketing (MLM), but it wasn’t working out.
Things got so bad, he ended up living in a cramped $250-a-month office space, sneaking out at dawn to shower at a local gym before anyone could catch him living there.
But then he discovered copywriting — just like you have — and things started looking up.
He landed clients, got better projects, even some profit-sharing deals.
But then everything took a huge leap forward when he discovered alt-copywriting…
He no longer had to rely on clients or ever work with them again (if he didn’t want to).
Instead, he could just write his daily email to his list…
… and make more than enough money to live comfortably.
And at first, he really pushed this new freedom to the limit…
… often writing an email in 10 minutes or so, and calling it a day.
But eventually, he started enjoying what he was doing so much that he’s now built multiple businesses by leveraging his writing skills, including an education business… a software business… and even a publishing business!
He’s now wealthier than he’d ever imagined he’d be in those earlier MLM days…
And what’s better is that “work” is no longer work.
Every day is an exciting mission.
And he gets to do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants to (these days, he lives steps away from the Pacific Ocean and will often go for walks on the beach and has plenty of “leisure” time).
Perhaps more importantly…
What he does is also very fulfilling.
He regularly gets raving testimonials from people who absolutely LOVE his work and what he does.
After all, he’s helping his audience solve very real problems and achieve their goals. He gets to see firsthand how his work makes a genuine difference in their lives.
And that’s the real reward of this approach… knowing that as you’re growing something valuable for yourself, you’re also bringing a ton of value to others.
Does this sound like the life for you?
If so, I’ve got some GREAT news…
You’re About to Discover
How You Can Become a
“Client-less Copywriter,” Too
I’m thrilled to announce we’ve partnered with Ben to bring you his newest, most up-to-date framework for becoming a successful “alt-copywriter.”
It’s the new Client-less Copywriter program.
Inside, Ben literally gives you the roadmap he’s spent nearly 23 years building and following — his entire framework for growing a thriving business without EVER needing a single client (though if you still want to work with clients, this framework lets you do that and in fact, makes it so you can charge higher fees for what you do!).
You’ll discover:
- How to leverage your copywriting skills to create a real asset that can pay you again and again…
- Ben's proven "write once, profit forever" framework that can help you create many potential income streams from your writing…
- The exact steps to growing this business so its value increases with each passing month…
- And how to structure everything so your business runs smoothly and without you having to be chained to your desk, 24/7…
I’ll tell you more about this exciting program ahead, along with how you can be among the few in the world who have access to it.
But first…
How about I just GIVE you the four simple steps in Ben’s framework?
These are the same steps that transformed him from a traditional freelance copywriter into one of the most successful alt-copywriters in the world.
Step 1 Create Your One-Sentence Business Plan
At the core of Ben’s framework is his crazy simple, but highly effective “one-sentence” business plan.
All you need to do is answer a series of four questions.
Now, I can’t give away all four questions here (you’ll have to grab a copy of The Client-less Copywriter), but I can at least get you started and most of the way there…
You start by answering this one simple question…
Who do you want to serve?
This is such a great question, because Ben’s framework isn’t about chasing after money or picking a niche because it’s “hot” and other people are in it.
Instead, you need to “choose” the people you actually care about and want to help!
For example, in Ben’s very early days, as he was thinking about who he wanted to serve, he immediately thought about men who were concerned about their prostate health.
Because it was something that had affected his own family.
He knew how scary and frustrating it could be for men dealing with these issues and their loved ones.
So he wanted to create something that would truly help.
Given all his personal experience with this topic, he wrote a book, built a small platform around it, and turned that passion into a business.
It wasn’t glamorous or sexy. But it WORKED.
Because he truly understood his audience — the people he wanted to serve.
He knew what they were going through. He knew what it was like to have someone you love have prostate issues.
And he understood what was on his prospects’ minds.
Ben didn’t have to “discipline” himself to work on the business, because it’s an issue he cares about.
And therein lies the key…
You don’t want ANY of this to feel like “work.”
That’s why you pick an audience of people you sincerely want to help, because they’re going through something YOU’VE experienced and dealt with, and you know “the way forward.”
And because of this simplicity…
You can grow a business around almost ANY topic or issue — from home security… to buying and selling used designer clothing… to hobbies like playing guitar or learning card magic tricks.
By the time you’re done thinking about and answering this question, you want to create a statement.
Something simple like:
“I want to help parents of neuro-divergent kids navigate the public school system.”
“I want to help busy professionals master the art of home cooking without spending hours in the kitchen.”
Or even…
“I want to help first-time aquarium owners keep their fish healthy and create stunning underwater environments."
It’s really that simple.
And here’s the best part:
Ben will walk you through every step of creating your One-Sentence Business Plan inside The Client-less Copywriter.
He’ll give you plenty of REAL examples, so you can come up with a one-sentence business plan that feels completely authentic to YOU, ensuring you will feel excited about it.
Now once your plan is in place, you’re ready for Step 2…
Step 2 Create Your Opt-In Page
Now that you know WHO you want to serve…
It’s time for your next step — setting up what’s known as an “opt-in” page.
This is where people who you want to serve will take their first step into your “ecosystem”… by giving you their email address.
Now don’t worry…
This is FAR simpler than you might think — especially with how Ben shows you how to do it.
All you need are two key elements:
A compelling headline
This is your promise — a clear, enticing reason for someone to sign up.
For example:
“Discover the Simple Framework That Turns Your Writing Into a 24/7 Income Stream (No Clients Required!)”
Your headline should immediately communicate the value of what they’ll get by giving you their email address and joining your list.
The “shameless bribe”
Next, you need to give them a REASON to opt in — i.e., something valuable that’s related to the problem they want solved or the dream they’re chasing.
This could be almost anything, like a free report, a checklist, a simple training video… Ben calls this the “shameless bribe” and it’s what will get folks “in the door” and onto your email list.
Now I can’t say this enough, but this is not hard to create at all, even if you’re terrible with technology.
Ben himself confesses that he’s really bad with tech — especially when it comes to setting up ANY kind of page.
That’s why he’ll tell you the exact software HE uses that makes it “stupid simple” to get this part done.
It’s one of those “if HE can do it, then you can too” types of situations.
With your opt-in page in place, it’s time to move onto…
Step 3 Get People to Your Opt-In Page
Now that you’ve created an irresistible opt-in page, it’s time for the fun part — getting people to visit it.
Your mission is to bring in as many interested people from your ideal audience as possible, so they can join your list.
This may sound complicated — but it’s really not.
All you need are a few simple strategies that all revolve around writing content every day.
This content — whether it’s a blog post, a social media post, etc.…
… will all lead people back to your opt-in page.
Think of it as giving your audience valuable content while showing them where to go for more.
And the great news is…
In The Client-less Copywriter, Ben shows you 10 different ways to do this and get hordes of people to your opt-in page. (You only need two or three, but this will give you plenty of options to choose from.)
You’ll discover:
- A decades-old list-building secret that can add hundreds of new subscribers to your list in a single day and is 100% free…
- The "Gene Schwartz technique" you can use to have your EXISTING clients work on your behalf to grow your list for you (this works especially well if you're just starting out)…
- A set-it-and-forget-it strategy that keeps bringing in new leads years after you do the initial work (this is one of Ben's favorites)…
- How to use the “email snowball” to leverage everything you write and get compounding leads onto your email list each month…
- The counterintuitive approach that gets other marketers eagerly sending you their best subscribers…
- A sneaky method that motivates people to actively SEEK YOU OUT and join your list (without you ever having to promote yourself)…
- How to create content “tentacles” that give you dozens of invisible paths that lead straight to your opt-in page…
- A unique "value swap" technique where you can trade just 60 minutes of your time for potentially hundreds of new subscribers to your email list…
- The 90-day "sustainable growth" blueprint that helps you identify your most effective list-building methods, all while eliminating the ones that waste your time…
- And much, much more…
Step 4 Write Daily Emails and
Build Relationships
The beating heart of your client-less copywriting business is pretty darn simple — writing a daily email to your list.
This step might seem intimidating at first, but it’s far easier to do once Ben explains how to do it and where you can get ideas for what to write each day.
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room…
A lot of people think emailing daily might annoy people or get folks to unsubscribe.
Ben had these exact same concerns starting out. But he quickly discovered that the more emails he sent, the more money he made.
And the reason is proximity.
Think about it:
Every day you show up in someone's inbox, you're building a relationship.
Every story you share, every insight you offer, every piece of advice you give…
It all adds up to something Ben calls "friendly familiarity."
And this friendly familiarity is worth its weight in gold. Because when people feel like they know you, when they trust you, when they look forward to hearing from you each day…
That's when the magic happens… THAT’S when they start buying from you without hesitation.
And that’s when your client-less copywriting business truly takes off.
Best of all?
Ben has discovered that writing these daily emails doesn't have to be a grind.
In fact, he’ll explain why it’ll become something you look forward to doing (and can even become quite therapeutic!).
Inside Client-less Copywriter, Ben shows you:
- His "write once, profit forever" email framework that helps turn your daily writing into what could potentially become multiple streams of income…
- The psychology behind why daily emails work so much better than occasional "when I feel like it" emails…
- How to structure your emails so readers eagerly await them (instead of dreading "another marketing message")…
- His counterintuitive approach to dealing with unsubscribes (and why they're actually a GOOD sign)…
- And much more…
And don’t worry if you aren’t sure about HOW to write these emails.
Ben’s got you covered there too…
Ben’s Crash Course for Writing
“Can’t-Stop-Reading-Them” Emails!
This bonus answers the question: “HOW do I write daily emails that people actually want to read?"
Ben is including his complete “Crash Course” on how to write emails that attract the buyers you want.
And no, you don’t need to be a master copywriter to do this.
In fact…
Sometimes being "too polished" can actually hurt your results.
That’s why Ben will show you how to write in a way that feels natural, develops real connections, and gets people excited to hear from you every single day.
You'll discover:
- The "woman's skirt" rule that answers the eternal question of how long your emails should be…
- How to use a "talk radio technique" to create an unbreakable bond with your subscribers…
- The a-pile vs b-pile test you can use to make sure your emails feel like they’re personal letters coming from a trusted friend…
- Why being LAZY with your emails could actually end up making you MORE money…
- The martial arts inspired technique for turning internet trolls into one of your most profitable assets…
- Why you do NOT want to “hard teach” in your emails (or risk killing your sales)…
- The 90% rule of how much valuable content to give away and when to hold back…
- When highlighting your FLAWS can actually be a good thing…
- And much more…
“Make Mistakes, Make Discoveries, Make Money…”
One of the great things about Ben’s Client-less Copywriter program is his simple philosophy of making mistakes, so you can learn from them and make money.
It takes all the pressure off because you don't need to get everything perfect for this to work.
You don't need to be the world's greatest writer.
All you need is a genuine desire to help your chosen audience… and the willingness to write and share your insights daily.
That — and Ben’s proven framework to guide you as you grow your very own client-less copywriting business.
Will you make mistakes?
Of course. No one’s perfect. And Ben certainly doesn’t expect you to be (he’ll be the first to freely admit he still makes lots of mistakes!).
That’s why his framework is so flexible and allows for you to make mistakes as you learn and grow as an alt-copywriter.
In fact, he encourages it!
So just know that you don’t need to be an expert and have it all figured out before you start.
Your 90-Day Path to Growing a Client-less Writing Business You Love
To make this even easier, you'll get a complete 90-Day Action Plan we’ve created to walk you through Ben’s framework step-by-step.
Each week, you'll know:
- Which training sessions to listen to
- What specific actions to take
- How to measure your progress
- When to move on to the next step
It's almost like having Ben checking in with you daily, saying: "Listen to this module on Monday… take these three actions Tuesday through Thursday… review your results on Friday."
No guessing about what to do next.
No wondering if you're "doing it right."
Just clear, actionable steps you can check off as you gain momentum.
BONUS #2 Guidance from Ben Himself!
To help guide you through your alt-copywriting journey… and ensure nothing stands in your way as you work through your 90-Day Action Plan…
You’ll also get access to THREE bonus sessions where you’ll get to listen in as Ben shares advice and recommendations to your fellow alt-copywriters about strategy… revenue streams… and more.
These sessions strategically align with your 90-Day Action Plan, so plan to watch them accordingly:
- Session 1 (30 Days In): Get Ben's “big picture” insights just as you're gaining momentum and growing your initial audience (and to be clear, you won’t see Ben critiquing copy or anything like that in this session… this is all about making sure you’re on the right track strategically, since that’s where 80% of your success will likely come from!).
- Session 2 (60 Days In): Now it’s time to hear his takes on developing your first revenue stream and scaling your reach.
- Session 3 (90 Days In): Ben shows you how to fine-tune your approach and accelerate your growth going forward.
Each session gives you the chance to not only “check in” with yourself and your progress, but also learn from other alt-copywriters who are on the same path as you.
And remember — Ben’s been exactly where you are, and he's eager to help you avoid the pitfalls he encountered on his journey.
So make sure you take advantage of this rare opportunity to have one of the most successful alt-copywriters in the world guide you as you grow your email list and launch your own thriving business.
Now all that said…
There’s one more important point I want to mention here…
It’s ALL Based on YOUR Preferences
One of the many things that makes Ben’s Client-less Copywriter framework so powerful is how adaptable it is.
This isn't some rigid blueprint where you have to follow a strict formula or conform to someone else's way of doing things.
Instead, it’s a framework you can adapt to all YOUR preferences.
You can adapt it to YOUR chosen market you want to serve…
To YOUR natural writing style — there’s no need to try and copy Ben’s or anyone else’s writing voice…
And you can grow the business in any way you like:
- Want to create digital products? Perfect.
- Prefer sending physical newsletters? That works too.
- Rather do high-ticket coaching? The framework adapts.
- Like the idea of building a membership site? You can do that.
The possibilities are endless because the framework is built around helping YOU create a business that fits your strengths, preferences, and goals.
Now, Ben will share examples of different business models and offer types you can choose, but he won’t offer step-by-step technical instructions for creating specific kinds of products (like how to write a book or how to create a course).
That’d be impossible to cover for every possible market and offer type out there!
This is WHY Ben’s framework is so adaptable… because you can simply choose to do what you already know and are comfortable with.
The ONLY requirement is that you pick an audience you want to serve and are excited to write to every day.
This is how writing your daily emails will feel natural, exciting, and ultimately fulfilling.
You Can Start Implementing Ben’s Client-less Copywriter Framework TODAY
Yes, you really can get started today (after you grab Ben’s Client-less Copywriter).
Remember, this is the exact same framework that took Ben from living in a cramped office (and sneaking out at dawn to shower at a local gym)…
… to launching multiple businesses, without ever needing to write for clients.
Better yet, you can start from scratch — with zero email list and no clue what kind of product you want to sell or what audience you want to serve…
Ben will walk you through all of that.
In all, you get more than 10 hours of deep dive audio training sessions where Ben gets you up to speed on all the ins and outs of his framework.
This is a SERIOUS training program, meant for those copywriters who are committed and ready to succeed.
To that end, Ben has made this program an audio-only program, meant to be listened to… so you can truly pay attention, without having to stare at a screen and let your mind wander off…
You can listen while you're at the gym, going on a walk, doing chores around the house, or even relaxing in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee.
You'll find that by only engaging one of your senses, you will recall MORE of the information. This is by design.
Here’s what you get:
Part 1: "Rise of the Alt-Copywriter" — Ben introduces you to the new breed of copywriter who never needs a client again, and why this could be perfect for anyone who loves to write…
Part 2: "The One-Sentence Business Plan" — This is where you’ll apply Ben’s simple approach to planning your business around exactly what you want to do and who you want to serve…
Part 3: "The Marketing Funnel of Love" — This is your complete blueprint for growing a business that becomes stronger with each passing month, including how to create irresistible opt-in pages, approach creating the perfect flagship offer, and develop multiple streams of recurring revenue…
Part 4: "The Painless Product Launch" — Ben's proven framework for launching new products using nothing but email — no affiliates, joint ventures, or social media required…
Part 5: "Media Stacking" — Discover how to protect your business from the whims of “Big Tech” and grow a platform that can't be taken away from you…
Part 6: "Odds & Ends" — Get critical insights for thinking like a publisher rather than just a writer, plus Ben's favorite success principles for growing a sustainable business…
BONUS: "Benfucius Say…" — Get Ben's hard-won wisdom and philosophy that could transform how you think about your business in a big way, forever…
Again — that’s more than 10 (TEN!) hours of valuable insights, guidance, and secrets to help YOU grow a thriving business as an alt-copywriter.
But Ben wanted to make absolutely certain you have every tool, resource, and advantage possible to succeed.
That's why he's also including these powerful bonus resources designed to accelerate your success:
Your Complete Client-less Copywriting Success Arsenal
Ben has opened up his “private vault” and given you some never-before-released-to-the-public resources.
All designed to help you gain the insights you need to GROW your client-less copywriting business better and faster.
BONUS #3 The Client-less Copywriter Companion Workbook
Make sure you read this Companion Workbook from cover to cover.
Inside this no-holds-barred resource, you'll discover:
- Why AI Is "The Sex Robots of Writing" (and how it's destroying most writers' chances of success): Ben exposes the dark side of AI and reveals why relying on it for your writing could sabotage your relationship with your audience and ultimately cost you money.
- The Secret of the 3rd Conversion: In this written interview with Ben and top-notch marketer Sean D’Souza, you’ll learn how to turn casual buyers into loyal fans who eagerly consume your products and services. Ben and Sean also discuss the psychology behind sequential selling and how to create a "customer journey" that keeps them coming back for more.
- The REAL Truth About Why Now's the Worst Time to Launch New Subscription Offers: Ben throws conventional wisdom out the window and reveals a counterintuitive strategy for maximizing profits in today's saturated market. This eye-opening advice could save you from making a costly mistake!
- Unleash Your "Mickey Mouse": Discover the secret to creating a flagship offer that stands the test of time. Ben also shares his "World-Building" philosophy, inspired by iconic characters like Mickey Mouse and Spawn, to help you capture your audience’s attention year after year.
- 33 Reasons Why You Should Write an Email Every Single Day: Discover the hidden benefits of daily emailing that go beyond making sales. Ben reveals how consistent writing can make you a better copywriter, generate new ideas, and even improve your deliverability… and speaking of deliverability…
- 16 Ways to Get Better Email Inbox Deliverability: Land in the inbox, not the spam folder! Ben shares his battle-tested strategies for maximizing your deliverability, including writing engaging content, curating your list, and understanding the technical aspects of email marketing.
- How to Profit from Helping Charities, Nonprofits, and Other Causes You Believe In: This is Ben’s approach to doing good AND making money. You’ll learn a powerful strategy for raising money for causes you care about while growing your business and strengthening your bond with your audience.
- And much more…
BONUS #4 Breakdowns of
Ben’s Favorite Emails
In these rare videos… you’ll get to hear Ben break down TWO emails from his private Swipe File… written by the man Ben calls “The High King of Email” Matt Furey and the late Jim Straw.
You’ll discover:
- Why making up your own words and phrases is VITAL — and the costly mistake most copycats make when they try to swipe others' terminology…
- The "Athletic Ready" approach to writing emails that lets them flow naturally (and why being "bunched up" kills your response)…
- Why your emails should be "infotainment" not lectures — and how Matt Furey mastered this balance…
- The psychological reason why you should NEVER hide that you're selling something (and what to do instead)…
- The curious power of using UGLY email formatting — and why "pretty" emails often convert worse…
- Jim Straw's counterintuitive method for giving away valuable information (that almost nobody will actually use)…
- The secret "visual pause" technique using simple dashes that keeps readers hooked…
- And much more…
BONUS #5 Reverse-Engineering Ben’s Favorite Sales Letters
Another rare treat!
Listen as Ben “reverse-engineers” THREE of his favorite sales letters of all time.
You’ll discover:
- The secret to crafting ads that don’t look like ads…
- Why ugly often beats pretty in the world of copywriting and how raw, authentic writing can make your copy far more relatable and persuasive…
- How to weave a story that subtly positions your product or service as the hero of the story and “sells” it without selling…
- How to build credibility by using honesty and transparency to “disarm” your audience, making all your claims more believable…
- How to effectively use the “takeaway” to create scarcity and urgency in your offers and get people to take action NOW…
- The secret of the “Trojan Horse” in your sales letter that delivers huge value while secretly positioning your product as the “holy grail”…
- How to use hypnotic repetition to strategically create a sense of rhythm and emphasis that amplifies the impact of your writing…
- How to ethically “manipulate” your audience to create a loyal following of engaged buyers…
- And much more…
BONUS #6 Ben’s Private Swipe File
As soon as you get access to The Client-less Copywriter…
… you’ll also get immediate access to a very limited, AWAI-only collection of Ben’s latest and greatest, all-time “winningest” sales letters and ads — 43 examples of pure marketing gold that you can use as a guide to writing your own great copy… each one written and published by Ben himself.
BONUS #7 The Ultimate Ben Settle Bullet Template Guide
One of “Ben’s Rules” for writing fast and effective sales pages is extensive use of intriguing and captivating bullets — also known as teasers or “fascinations.”
And because they’re crucial to the success of your subscription sales promotions — those bullets must be great.
The good news for you is that Ben’s one of the BEST bullet writers in the industry. And to help you join him there, Ben has agreed to share over 350 of his best “bullet templates” — actual copy you can modify and adapt to your own emails and promotions.
BONUS #8 “The Lost Tapes” — Backroom interviews with three of the legends of copywriting…
Fair warning — the sound isn’t so great on these, but the content is A++.
(We’ve included a transcript so you can catch every single word.)
“Lost Tape” Interview #1 — Ben talks with copywriting legend Doug D’Anna about a secret not one in 1,000 writers knows: why a properly written “boring” headline will outperform “exciting” headlines a majority of the time. Also: why people don’t buy “benefits” (and what they buy instead)… the secret to making people want to buy from you and you only… what football legend Joe Montana can teach you about copywriting… how to constantly sell throughout your ad without even mentioning your product… and more!
“Lost Tape” Interview #2 — One of the most successful and respected copywriters on the planet, David Deutsch, reveals his “Hey Mitch” secret for knowing if the copy you just wrote is “great copy” or not — without guessing or testing. Also: how to make “technical” facts about your product sound fun and fascinating… four things every copywriter MUST know about design… a secret “back-door” way to break into the direct-mail industry… when you should NOT write in a smooth, “conversational” tone (and instead use stilted, boring “corporate-speak”)… plus the “Copywriting Secret ‘A-List’ Copywriters Privately Talk About with Each Other… But Almost Never Discuss Publicly”… and more.
“Lost Tape” Interview #3 — Ben and his longtime copywriting mentor Ken McCarthy discuss a wide range of “hot topic” writing and marketing ideas, including:
- How to write moneymaking ads right out of the gate — without needing any copywriting books, formulas, or Swipe Files.
- A scientifically proven way (recently discovered by neurologists) to transform your frustration with writing ads into boundless creative energy.
- A $13 book (not even about copywriting) that can teach you more about writing irresistible bullet points than most advanced copywriting seminars.
- Why tossing your order forms on the street can increase your response by as much as 30%.
- How to use your telephone to double your sales without doing any telemarketing or even dialing any numbers.
- An “almost foolproof” way of knowing if the market is going to respond to your ad before testing it or showing it to anyone.
- What Ken learned from corresponding with the late (great) copywriting genius Eugene Schwartz.
- How to create professional-looking internet video ads on a “shoestring” budget.
- A single, “magic word” (often used with CNN newscasts) that will have your prospects glued to your ads — even with a hundred other ads competing for their attention.
- A secret way to use your TV set to raise your IQ by 10 points (without even turning it on!).
- How the legendary copywriter Mel Martin wrote ads so powerful, people would order from them without even knowing what the price was!
- And much more…
A Final Word Before You Get Access…
Everything in Ben’s Client-less Copywriter shows you exactly how to grow a thriving business as an alt-copywriter.
From the core framework that gives you complete control over your writing career…
To the eight powerful bonuses drawn from Ben's “private vault”…
You're getting a complete blueprint for transforming your writing skills into real business assets.
Now before I tell you how you can get instant access, I DO want to be clear about something:
This program isn’t for everyone.
You do need some copywriting skill and knowledge under your belt. While Ben WILL show you how he writes his daily emails, he will not be covering the basics and fundamentals of copywriting.
It’s also not for anyone who isn’t committed to taking action and putting in the work.
As with anything in life, you reap what you sow. And while Ben is making this drop-dead simple, you will still need to ACT on the information he gives you.
So, that said…
If you aren’t afraid of putting in the work… and you want to create something that’s truly your own… AND you’re willing to serve an audience by sharing your insights with them via email daily…
Then you’re EXACTLY who Ben created this program for.
And if you're ready to join the ranks of alt-copywriters who are growing real writing businesses, let's talk about…
Your Investment
I’ll come right out and say it…
This won't be cheap.
After all, Ben is one of the most respected email marketers and teachers in the industry…
It’s why so many “A-list” copywriters and marketers sign up to get his daily emails.
And it’s why his hard-won knowledge and proven strategies command premium prices.
For example, here’s a physical book — Copy Slacker — that Ben sells on his site for $824. No, that’s not a typo…

And here’s another — called ParaSELL Universe — that you can purchase for a tidy $968!

It’s why his previous training program through AWAI a few years ago sold for as much as $2,500!
And more than 650 copywriters signed up paying anywhere from $1,500 to as much as $2,500 to get access.
Because what you'll learn can literally transform your writing career — giving you the skills and framework to grow a thriving business without ever needing another client.
It’s why I think it would be perfectly reasonable if we charged $5,000 for access to Ben’s Client-less Copywriter.
Especially when you consider this is — in his opinion — his BEST course yet on how to grow a client-less copywriting business.
It’s how he makes his living RIGHT NOW, after all!
And it represents his life’s work — all the secrets he’s learned after more than a decade of trial and error and making all the costly mistakes… so you don’t have to.
So that’s why $5,000 would be more than fair, especially when you consider he’s got customers paying up to $1,230 for a physical copy of just one of his books!
But here's the thing…
I want to get this framework in the hands of as many writers as possible.
And I don’t want price to be a limiting factor for anyone serious and committed to doing this.
So instead of charging $5,000 (which, again, would be fair given everything included)…
We worked out a special “limited time” deal with Ben.
Your investment today for the complete Client-less Copywriter program is a flat $2,500.
Here's everything you'll receive:
- The complete Client-less Copywriter framework
- Ben’s bonus “Crash Course” on how he approaches writing his emails
- The comprehensive Companion Workbook packed with advanced strategies
- The 90-Day Action Plan (and access to THREE Q&A sessions to track your progress)
- Ben's breakdown of winning emails
- His in-depth analysis of legendary sales letters
- Ben's private Swipe File of 43 winning promotions
- The Ultimate Ben Settle Bullet Template Guide
- "The Lost Tapes" — exclusive interviews with copywriting legends
You also get ONE MORE HUGE benefit I haven’t mentioned yet…
Connect, Learn, and Grow with Your Fellow Alt-Copywriters
When you join the Client-less Copywriter program, you'll also get access to the Client-less Copywriter private Facebook community.
This is your chance to connect with other writers working on growing their own client-less copywriting businesses.
You can share your wins… get feedback… and help each other get through any challenges.
And best of all…
You can even get input from Ben himself, who’ll drop in from time to time to answer questions about his framework, share new resources he's discovered, give updates on which strategies are working best right now, and post any fresh insights as markets change.
If a recommended tool stops working or a new opportunity emerges, you'll be the first to know.
This real-time access to updates is crucial — because in this business, staying current can give you a HUGE edge.
Now, I do have to warn you…
Ben has also designed this group to help you implement everything you learn in the program.
So make sure you’ve taken action BEFORE asking any questions you may want him to answer. Be willing to “show” your work, as it were.
Now, to recap…
Not only do you get Ben's complete framework and all eight powerful bonuses…
You'll also have ongoing support from a community of like-minded client-less copywriters who are growing their own thriving businesses too!
But to truly understand the value of this investment, let's look at what it could mean for your future as a writer…
What Could This Be Worth to You?
As I mentioned, your investment in Ben’s complete Client-less Copywriter program is just $2,500.
And as I mentioned, it’s for you if you’re serious and committed to your success.
But I have to ask — what is your goal?
Are you trying to create a steady reliable income with your writing?
Do you want to start something of your own that grows in value over time?
Do you want to have complete control over your writing business?
Because with Ben’s framework, you’re doing all this and more.
You’re creating real assets you own. And implementing a framework with the potential to help generate profit over and over again.
Which means your $2,500 investment could multiply significantly over time, as you take action, put in the effort, and grow your client-less copywriting business.
So the real question is, what’s more expensive?
Investing $2,500 in learning a framework with the potential to help create many additional income streams that could give you more options in your life…
Or continuing to rely solely on client work and missing out on following a proven path to grow something that's truly yours at the same time?
It’s really up to you.
But to make this a no-brainer decision for you…
Ben’s authorized us to do something special for you…
Today, Through AWAI ONLY… You’ll Receive ANOTHER $1,505 OFF
and Get IMMEDIATE Access to The Client-less Copywriter for Just $995!
Yes, that’s right.
Instead of paying the full $2,500…
You can get instant access to Ben's complete Client-less Copywriter framework — including all eight powerful bonuses and access to the private Facebook group — for just $995.
That’s just $2.72 a day over the course of the next year, to create what could be a thriving and profitable business on your terms.
Certainly that’s worth it?
And let me be clear: this is the absolute lowest price you will ever see on this new program.
The choice is yours…
You can continue down the traditional freelance path… which is totally fine, by the way. There is PLENTY of opportunity to work with clients right now.
You can join the ranks of alt-copywriters who are growing real businesses they own and control (and STILL have the option to work with clients to boost their income whenever they want!).
To your success,
Rebecca Matter,
President, AWAI
P.S. Here are what some our industry’s sharpest marketers and copywriters are saying about Ben:
“I start my day with reading from the Holy Bible and Ben Settle’s email, not necessarily in that order.”
Richard Armstrong
“Ben’s emails are PERFECT examples of how to sell
with email… how to be a welcome guest in someone’s inbox rather than a persistent pest…”
David Deutsch
“Ben is one of the sharpest marketing minds on the planet…”
Perry Marshall
“When anyone asks me who is the one person to learn how to write emails that get opened and responded to, it’s Ben Settle. Ben is the gold standard… a superb copywriter with an exceptional gift… and he is both a wonderful teacher and implementer…”
Brian Kurtz
“The best out there when it comes to email.”
Kevin Rogers
“I’m so busy but there’s some guys like Ben Settle with incredible daily emails that I always read.”
Russell Brunson
“I just want you to know I get great advice and at least one chuckle… or a slap on the forehead ‘duh’… every time I read your emails!”
Carline Anglade-Cole
“I’ve read your stuff and you have some of the best hooks. You really know how to work the hook and the angles.”
Brian Clark
“My friend Ben Settle, one of THE most brilliant info-marketers, successfully sells a $1,000.00 book. My publisher cannot conceive of such a thing as being true.”
Dan S. Kennedy,
Author, ‘No BS’ book series
“I wake up to READ YOUR WORDS. I learn from you and study exactly how you combine words + feelings together. Like no other. YOU go DEEP and HARD.”
Lori Haller
“Even when you’re simply just selling stuff, your emails are, in effect, brilliant content for marketers who want to see how to make sales copy incapable of being ignored by their core market. You are a master of this rare skill, Ben, and I tip my hat in respect.”
Gary Bencivenga
“I think Ben is the light heavyweight champion of email copywriting.”
Matt Furey
“It's not unheard of for the so-called student, to
surpass the so-called teacher. It happens. I'm the student. I'm not being facetious, and I'm not blowing smoke, ‘Master, tell me how you produce these subject lines!’”
Ken McCarthy